First Cresh Test for Google Chrome !

An issue exists in how chrome behaves with undefined-handlers in chrome.dll version A crash can result without user interaction. When a user is made to visit a malicious link, which has an undefined handler followed by a 'special' character, the chrome crashes with a Google Chrome message window "Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Restart now?". It crashes on "int 3" at 0x01002FF3 as an exception/trap, followed by "POP EBP" instruction when pointed out by the EIP register at 0x01002FF4.

Download Google Chrome

De AICI puteti descarca si instala noul browser numit Google Chrome.E o versiune beta deocamdata dar pare a se misca mult mai repede decat firefox sau Opera.

Singurele 2 buguri de pana acum pe care le-am descoperit eu sunt la cautarea in pagina atunci cand sunt mai multe sectiuni de text cu scrollbar si deschiderea a mai multe procese in background co GoogleChrome.exe ( asta probabil e o imbunatatire gandita de ei pentru ca fiecare pagina deschisa sa fie un proces nou pentru a nu afecta celelalte pagini in caz ca se blocheaza ).

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